Client & Colleague Testimonials

Shayna’s clients have included the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, San Francisco, Detroit Jews for Justice, Carolina Jews for Justice, and the Institute for Ecological Civilization. Below is a selection of testimonials from clients and colleagues.

"I cannot say enough about how helpful Shayna has been to our organization since we started working with her. Her insights have been invaluable to us as a decades-old association that very much needed to grapple with how to keep the best of our historic ways and beliefs while transitioning to more intersectional and modern approaches.  Shayna has supported us in strengthening our infrastructure, broadening our reach, and deepening our impact, and she has helped us sort through some very tricky issues along the way. Most importantly, she has challenged me as a leader to guide my team in holding fast to our values while being flexible with new approaches. We've achieved some major accomplishments in the time we've been working with Shayna, and we couldn't have done it without her."

-Executive Director

“What I appreciate the most Shayna’s coaching was the way she empowered me by actively listening, reminding me of the "bigger picture" (particularly in moments of stress), holding me accountable by following up on my previous action items, and equipping me with tips and tools for understand life goals. Most importantly, it worked! Shayna’s coaching enabled me to carve my path forward to greater success and happiness.” -Life Coaching Client

“Thanks so much for the "Shayna magic" in your question asking!”

-Leadership Coaching Client

“We worked with Shayna over the course of about 7 months in 2021 and 2022. Our Board is a small, working Board that carries out a lot of the functional work of the organization, including community outreach and event planning, fundraising, and the governance and operation of the organization.

 At the time we connected with Shayna, we were dwindling in numbers, had missed some major responsibilities, work was not distributed equally across the Board, and generally we felt that we didn't know what we were doing. Shayna gave our Board confidence to move forward. Through several consultation sessions with her, members of the Board realized we already had the skills and knowledge to serve the organization well, which made a huge difference in engagement and our ability to problem-solve and work together.

 She helped us talk through and create new systems and processes that professionalized the Board and created consistency over the year. As a result, our Board doubled in size, we created effective and manageable goals, and we have an annual calendar and onboarding and planning templates to make our functioning run smoothly with shared responsibility across the Board. Within one year, we were able to help the organization grow considerably in fundraising, personnel, professionalism, and stability. Shayna gave us the tools and confidence to thrive in a long term and sustainable way.

 We will continue to rely on the structures and guiding principles we developed through our time with Shayna, and her work will continue to help us develop even beyond the time she worked directly with us.”
Board Chair

“Shayna worked with our board to make our equity and inclusion values manifest in the real world. Beyond focusing on getting the right people in the room, Shayna developed techniques to ensure that underrepresented voices have the opportunity to take space and be heard in our dynamic and fast-moving board meetings.”
Board Member

“Shayna was critical in guiding our Leadership Team through a key decision-making process. Specifically, Shayna spoke with each team member to hear their perspectives, which enabled the team to come together with openness and transparency. Her work helped us surface issues that had served as blockers for our team. Team members expressed appreciation for the thoughtfulness and clarity that Shayna brought to the room. She expertly facilitated a tough conversation, which was a breakthrough for our team and organization.” 
Senior Staff Member

“I recently witnessed a tremendous cultural shift in the dynamics of a non-profit board thanks to the techniques and processes Shayna helped the board incorporate to create intentional space, appreciation, and inclusivity for diverse and/or underrepresented voices. I'm confident the board is poised to really maximize the benefit of having the wisdom, knowledge, and talents of each board member by applying and embracing the board culture Shayna has helped create.”
Board Member

“Shayna has planned and facilitated several meetings that I have participated in. Shayna's advance work to prepare the meeting agenda, conversation flow, and meeting details were exceptional and created a positive environment for the conversation. Shayna's facilitation allowed everyone to participate effectively and helped us move through difficult topics in a productive way. Shayna brings people together and helps them be their best selves, leading to effective collaboration and team building.”
Senior Staff Leader

“Shayna provided significant insights and, when appropriate, useful agitation, always in the context of our shared enterprise. Brought important perspectives grounded in organizing methods, racial justice, systems thinking, social movements. Modeled desired group norms. Focused, creative, fun, results-oriented, no nonsense, insightful.”  Senior Staff Leader